Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Horribly Serious Week

This week has been pretty awesome. The launch and success of "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog", coupled with the imminent release of "The Dark Knight" has made my week a week of super-villain bliss.

NPH Rules!
Acts I and II of Dr. Horrible are online and amazing. NPH is great, although I have some difficulty with seeing Nathan Fillion as an ass, but let's just say that Act II sealed his doom. Felicia Day is awesome. I don't recall ever having seen her before, but her voice is stunning. And while we're on the topic, NPH can sing! He's been a great surprise. He stands and delivers in a way I never imagined. It's been a pleasant surprise. All these factor together to make one of the most successful internet ventures in a long time. Check it out either at their website, or iTunes.

On another note, The Dark Knight starts tonight at midnight.
Am I excited? Maybe. What do you think?

Anyway, this week has been pretty awesome. The anticipation combined with the satisfaction of a well presented production have made it amazing.

L8r g8rs