Saturday, July 21, 2007

My first Orlando Adventure

Last night was pretty interesting...

Victoria, my roommate, thought that it'd be fun to go out and get some Sushi. We doll up, and head out without even looking at the clock. By the time we pull into the closest Sushi place, they tell us they're no longer serving. When we get back to her car, the time is 10:53.

We decided that, since we were out, we were going to go out and find a place still open. We tried the Thai Sushi place and even Gizmo's Sushi before we gave up on the idea completely. Luckily, in the lot next to Gizmo's we met Chris. Don't ask me what Chris was doing in a Sushi parking lot after 11, but he couldn't even remember his name for a minute... He gave us directions to downtown, and so we headed that way.

When we got to Colonial and Orange Ave, we started to hear the clubs. These aren't like Molly's clubs, but more of the OC type clubs. Holy crap. There were more stilletos than a stripper convention out last night. We went and checked out some bars, all the ones without cover, and one that let us in for free. It was a pretty cool area of town. We're gonna have to return and explore it a bit more some time when we're "dressed more appropriately" (from a cop).

As we went home, we ran into our second tranny of the month. It looked like a dude, but it had a sports bra on and no shoes...creepy.

We eventually got home after a quick stop at our local 7 Eleven, where I got a slushee.

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