Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Better Days

I hadn't been to the gym in five days.

Bad Joe.  I know.  I know.  I made a commitment to myself; if I miss one day, I have to go the next.  This weekend was just crazy and I never got the chance to go.

I was on a shoot, networked and worked my ass off over the four days, and never had the energy or time to go into the gym.  All in all, it was an excellent weekend.

Excellence has been slim and hard to find since moving to The Great FL.  Work, meeting new people, and being disappointed by some friendships have all played a huge part of my pressure and anger for the last few months.

Last night I finally got back into the gym.  It was amazing and I felt great.  My squat's up to 120, nearly double where I started.  ...:::Grabs junk and adjusts:::...  That's a great feeling...seeing shit happening.

I was working hard and when I was done I threw on some jeans.  It was a chilly 55 degrees.  I'd left my headphones on and as soon as I hit the cold, Goo Goo Dolls "Better Days" started playing.

In that moment, time stopped.  The cold, dark, and my exhaustion all coalesced into a crystallizing moment of exuberance.  It was one of those truly spiritual moments.  Nirvana, Holy Spirit, whatever you want to call it, I was everything now and everything to be was me.  It was a moment of peace that completely revitalized me and the sort of high that nearly never happens.  I stopped right in the parking lot and just stood with my eyes closed for a few minutes.

Simple things are the best.

1 comment:

Ann said...

glad to hear things are better for you! It's always the little things that matter the most