I don't care anymore.
I'm tired of being responsible for keeping up the relationships. I know I'm not THAT good at staying up to date, or even in the loop on a few things, but there are some people who have actively gone out of their way to cut me from their lives.
Fuck you and the high horse you rode in on.
Later losers.
This coming semester is going to be my last, in case you hadn't heard yet, at Northwest. I fought tooth and nail for this last year (I was supposed to leave after two, and I was told I was being "stupid and irresponsible" for hanging around). I can honestly say that for more than one reason, my parents were right. I was duped into thinking that this would be a year I could spend with friends and brothers. One went out the window two months ago, and yeah, it still keeps me up at night, and the other, well, let's say thank God for the few people who still talk to me.
Good things this year:
- My job, I love it (btw, people at work, nothing's set in stone so please, please don't mention this to anyone)
- Egon, Brady, Chris, Mike, Karen, Meredith, Eric, Mallory, Andy, Jeff, Joseph, Moira, Crystal, etc. You guys have no idea how close I've come.
- My Sanctuary, The Flat, has become my absolute favorite thing to happen, a blessing even.
- My writing.
- Spanish Class, Stephanie, thanks soooo much for being a great friend.
- Losing contact, regardless of my constant effort. You know who you are, and yeah, it hurts. A Lot! I'm sorry to those of you who I've gradually lost contact with, but I've been busy. The part that bothers me the most are the people who are closest, but choose to ignore that.
- Lost Kappa Sigma. I know to some it really was just a 24/7 party, but to me, it really was my life. I loved our frat and just always wanted it to be more than it was. We had great brothers and I'm sorry I failed all of you.
- Any hope of getting a major here at Northwest. I always hoped I'd talk myself down from this film thing, and settle for a major here I could be proud of, but this semester's shown me that I don't ask enough from myself, and I need to move into something that's going to challenge me to grow.
- My Grandfather dying. Yeah, it sux.
- Seeing both Bloggers and Aerius shrivel up. Two shows, one semester. Poof!
1 comment:
I'm sorry Joe, but remember this, true friends will always be friends, they won't leave you or not talk to you, even if they are on the other side of the world.
Then there's those that take no effort into keeping a friendship, and that is very sad, but it's also life. When these times come that you lose some friends or have lost some friends, remember that those true friends will always be around to support you.
Let me know if you want to talk and i'll give ya a call buddy!
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