Well, it seems the crazy continues.
At the airport, I ran into the film crew for Extreme Home Makeover. That was kinda cool. They were heading to Baltimore, so they weren't there that long. I got myself a diet coke, and then five minutes later, we had to change gates.
In case you've never been to KCI...it blows. Everything is on the outside of the security gates. This is the ONLY airport I've ever been to that does this...once again...it blows. So when I heard them change my gate, I was le pissed. Two dollars for a friggin' soda?! JESUS! And now I have to throw it away! DAMN! Well, an hour later, I get on my flight and then lo and behold...OUR ENGINE DOESN'T WORK! HOLY CRAP! Please, GOD, fix the shit! We get off the flight for another hour...at this point...I've been in the frakin' airport for six hours! I was tired.
Okay, so...my sister moved back home. We've been chillin' a little, she's been really busy.
Today I went to my doctor for the first time. He ordered a ton of blood work! So, I get to deal with that Friday morning. While going through that whole process, he seriously looked at me and asked, "How do you stay so fit?"
I nearly shit myself. Are you kidding? I sit on my ass at work for eight hours, walk everywhere, and sleep...that's about it. Anyway, le ha!
Lost tonight was freggin' sweet! You rock my world Locke! I'm gonna watch some Daily Show and go to bed, I'm going to tour Ball State tomorrow.
Here's a quote from the book I'm reading, The Nymphos of Rocky Flats:
"Felix, let me put it this way. Assuming the average penis is six inches long, since the outbreak I've had about twenty-five and a half feet of dick from different men...[w]anna make it twenty-six feet?"
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