Friday, October 08, 2010

Alone in the Dark

I lay in my bed tonight, staring at the ceiling.  I couldn’t identify this feeling that’s been gripping me all week.  There’s been something, a muscle, a residual electrical impulse lost in a synaptic cleft somewhere, something that’s been keeping me on edge.
And I lay there, ceiling in sight and I wondered, “Why the fuck can’t I fall to sleep?”
What is that feeling that’s so desperately trying to force its way to my attention?  Did I turn the oven off?  Did I send that last work email?  Why haven’t I been able to get all my work done in the office this week?
Wait.  Haven’t I completely sucked at my job all week?  Yes.
What’s distracting me?  Could it be the pressure of work, but I can’t concentrate at work because something else is bothering me.  Maybe it’s from the lack of exercise this week.  Maybe it’s the feeling that my dreams are further away than they were a year ago.
More than likely, it stems from upcoming move 30 days from today.  I have no plan, no place and no guarantee I’ll be able to afford an apartment on my own.  Terrifying, but that’s a new development, not something that explains my lack of game all week.
I think it’s because I haven’t been going to the gym.  Yeah, that’s it.  I’ve got extra energy to burn or possibly some embarrassment about how I’ve let myself go over the last two years after a year of dedicated and hard work.  That sounds plausible.
Although, it could also be the fact that roughly two months ago I cut someone out of my life without much abandon, expecting that I’d just adapt as I always have in the past.  All wounds heal, but it’s the ones that leave a scar that you remember.
But while we’re on the subject of pain, I have a nephew I’ve never met that’s apparently very sick and no one knows what’s wrong with him.  He’s less than two months old and at the moment, they know what’s wrong, but not why or how.  A mystery to some and a battle to the death for others.
And then there’s that thought again.  In the dark, as my mind rapidly moves from one thing to another my mind resonates with the word that has defined me at every moment of my life; the singular, “You.” 
“How are you going to deal with this?  What can you do?  What’s your plan?  What the hell are you doing?”
It’s the usted, not the ustedes, to make it clear for my Spanish 101 graduates.  That’s a singular you and not a y’all for my midwestern cow-tippers.
It seems that in my moment of crisis, even my mind has taken a step to the other side and left me subject to my own interrogation.
Me.  Alone.
I started to tremble.  I was literally shaking beneath the covers.
I had to get up, had to escape from that moment.
In a moment of weakness, I searched my phone contacts.  Who can I call at 1 in the morning?  Who’s awake?  No one.  Just me, like always.
I look to my friend Jamison to take the shakes away, to comfort me in a singular, human moment.
I sit in my one chair and think…then stop.  Stop thinking, stop planing, just be.
I’m not blaming myself for my exile, but I have some responsibility to the yolk.  I moved to Los Angeles, knowing full well that it’s a difficult town.  I moved away from friends and family, placing myself outside my comfort zone and into the dream-scape; I’m at least on the game field, I just have the score the goal.
I have no answers.  I’m going to finish my whiskey on the rocks and pour myself a second before bed.  I’m going to sit and listen to music while I promise myself that it’ll be ok; while I pray for the strength to wake up and make tomorrow mine.
I’m only human.  I can only do so much, but I’m going to do my best.  Who knows where I’ll be in four weeks?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quit F**king Calling Christina Hendricks Fat | Celebrities Are Better than You

Quit F**king Calling Christina Hendricks Fat | Celebrities Are Better than You: "

We need to have a talk.

Obviously, the overwhelming majority of the Pajiban world would stab a kitten if it meant they could be in the same room as Christina Hendricks. That's fine. Then there are those who find her overrated. And that's fine, too. Then there are the dickwaffles who insist on calling her fat every single time she's mentioned.

Now I expect this from your I Don't Like You In That Way's, or from that dumb twat at The Skinny, but this is Pajiba. We're supposed to be better than that. And when it happened in the Emmys post, I decided it needs to be discussed.

Christina Hendricks is not the typical Hollywood beauty. This is an understatement. She is curves and boobs and her thighs touch, and when she wears a strapless bra while riding in the car she probably feels backfat rolls (I'm not the only one, right?). And that is why those who love her, love her. She's different. She's not January Jones, thank fucking God.

If you look at her, she's not fat. She suffers from decepti-tits. I have friends who suffer from this same condition. When a girl has enormous breasts, the illusion is given that she is proportionate, whether or not she really is. If you look at Hendricks's collar bones, they are very prominent, meaning she's certainly not overly fleshy.

This is my opinion, but let's ignore it, because making excuses and explaining why she isn't fat is a) implying there's something wrong with how she looks, b) there's something wrong with being 'fat', and c) that the word fat has come to mean 'not thin.'

Sadly, point C is certainly true. I wear a size 8 jeans (6 at the Gap - little victories) and usually small shirts. I am 5'2''. I'm basically built like a wine bottle; small up top, then things get a bit out of hand. But I like this. I'm comfortable with this. And I've gotten few complaints.

My fiance works with this guy. God, I don't even know how to explain him. He's a walkin' talkin' stereotype. He is a Jersey Shore person. He has spiky stupid hair, and he's orange, and he's all muscles and Facebook statuses about benching shoulders or whatever. He called me fat. And he said it like I truly disgusted him. And I realized that if I were to run into one of those Jersey Shore chode garglers, they'd probably call me a grenade or whichever word they say that means 'horrific fat pig lady of 130+ pounds.' And that sucks.

Sure, we smart people can look at Christina Hendricks and say 'of course she's not fat,' but look at the shit people say about Jessica Simpson. Britney Spears. Kelly Clarkson. Yes, they are gurthier than their fellow celebrities. But they're not exactly Gilbert Grape's mom.

We are living in a world in which the youth culture has been born of the Weight Watchers generation. Many of us grew up with our moms or other women in our lives obsessing about points and counting calories, we had no choice but to become fixated. And when we watched people hate themselves for not being perfect, we learned new words that could hurt ourselves and others. Fat, ugly, these are hateful words that have become so commonplace that they've lost whatever meaning they are supposed to have, to everyone but the person they're being said about.

Call her thick. Call her not your type. But she's not fucking fat.

Follow Courtney Enlow on Twitter, and read her other stuff at


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Unemployed, but not out of work!

I've been back in Los Angeles for a few weeks and unemployed for a majority of that time, BUT THAT'S OK!

I've spent the time trying to put my life back on track.  Four months across the country has an ability to really take you out of the loop.  So what did I do when I got back in town, I worked on a commercial thanks to one 'Hammer'.  Two days of P.A. work made me realize I had to buckle down and put myself back on track for what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Since then, I've thrown myself into production office frenzy.  I have called more than fifty production offices and pretty much offered a full list of services (with a happy ending) to no real avail.  I'm still focusing on a few, but I have yet to hear back from them, so that automatically counts as a non-win.  I had some promising developments in the past week, including an interview for a 2nd AD position on week-long shoot in the dum-dum-duuuuuuuuuuuuum VALLEY!

Now, listen here.  I don't judge anyone that lives in the valley, I don't respect our friends to the north any less than the guy on my street corner that nods vigorously at trees and howl after the birds, but, suffice to say, the valley's not for me.  More on that to come...maybe tomorrow.

I'm helping some friends with an Indie film they're shooting next week and believe me, these guys are working their asses off to make this thing happen.  Apartments are turned into P.O.s, personal cars are production vehicles, coffe cups strew the floors, cats and dogs living together, but I digress.  This is everything I love about indie production and then I hit that ceiling we call a budget, and I remember it's an indie production.  Good times.

All said and done, I'm having a blast.  It's the first time I've been doing something I'm excited about in a while, and I just hope the good energy keeps coming.

All the best, martyrs.  See you in the funny pages.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer '10 Mix

Alrighty, I'm a few days early, but I wanted to post my summer mix, so I'm jumping the gun.  Hope you all enjoy.

Leave any comments or thoughts!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Netflix now has Buffy 1-7

I watched an episode of Buffy as I fell asleep this morning and realized that I used to want to be a part of something creative, epic and truly great at one point.

I've put aside my creative aspirations for two years too long and find that the desire and dream have atrophied.

I'm really wanting to start writing agin, and I think that an acquaintance, Sarah Fain, has inspired me to do so.

Check out her blog: Sarah Fain has Starfish Envy.

I'm going to start writing again. Fiction, non-fiction. I don't really know, but I look at this entry as a start.

Wish me luck!

The Mayor

Sunday, March 14, 2010