Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Heaven Less Opulent Than Vatican, Reports Disappointed Pope

This is an article from The Onion. Very amusing.

Heaven Less Opulent Than Vatican, Reports Disappointed Pope

We had a pope watch running here. I lost, but it got me thinking about things. Why is it more fun to make pedofile jokes than pope jokes. Seems to me if you think you're a joker, you shouldn't take things personal. I make jokes about Catholics, Irish, and college kids, as well as take the lumps for being all of the above. It is required to have a sense of humor in Martyrdom.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

GET THE UN OUT OF THE US!!! dammit...

This is why I think Republicans are funny:

I was watching Fox News the other day with Megan, Chris, Johnothan, and Alex when a commercial came on calling for the removal of the UN from the US. I thought it was a joke at first. I found out that it was a real ad, and this is it's website: Move America Forward.

This is just funny.

Check out the ads: Move America Forward Ad Campaign.

What will they think of next?

Comments? Questions? Concerns?...

I, Mr. Myers, the Mayor of Martyrdom, declare this blog open for life. Please, leave me comments as I will do my best to correct the injustices and inequities of life, making my city safe for those who are independent of others, and reliant upon themselves. To those of maturity, God Bless. To those of child's play, your time will come. For lovers, don't do anything I wouldn't do. And to the lonely hearts...your time will come.

Welcome to Martyrdom, the city of solidarity and life.
Est. April 4, 2005
Population: Me.